24 September 2009

Animal Farm, anyone?

I haven't read the book Animal Farm since I was a senior in high school, but this is a frightening depiction of what happens in that book. Whether you agree with Obama's politics or not, this is an all too real representation of what is beginning to happen everywhere in our country. People are starting to believe what sounds good, not because they are informed or knowledgeable on the subject (hey, I know I'm not!) or because it makes any sense, but just repeating what they've been told. What kid in elementary school knows enough about Obama's politics to say he has "great plans to make this country's economy #1 again"?! I have an 8-yr old niece, and while she is very brilliant and extremely smart, I'd put money down that she doesn't even know what the word economy means! And while our president still deserves the utmost respect from every member of this country, this seems a bit over the top.

To read the whole article about these school kids in NJ, click here.


  1. fa-ree-key. seriously, people who think that is a good idea are wacked out.

  2. Believing everything they're told...you must be talking about Fox News
