17 November 2008

"those X-acto knives are vicious"

...that is a direct quote from the ER doctor that pulled my flapping finger off today after gushing blood (and that's NO exaggeration) for 2 1/2 solid hours. And I'm blaming it all on Obama. I was in the interiors library at work cutting down some VCT tile samples for a presentation board when another designer across the table started talking about a recent Obama interview. I looked up to hear what great and wonderful things she was going to say and I was going to have to endure while simultaneously diverting my attention from the matter at hand - I forgot I had an X-acto knife box cutter in my hand in which I was applying an extremely large amount of pressure to, to cut through a very thick piece of flooring material. I'll spare all the bloody, gory details in which I almost fainted and almost caused about 14 other coworkers to almost faint as well. Needless to say, I ended up in a New York City emergency room for a couple of hours with a prisoner on crutches being followed by two policeman with handcuffs and chains, a homeless man and a few other less than fortunate people. As I looked around, it suddenly hit me, I'm not in Alabama anymore...

Three hours and a tetanus shot later, all I have to show is a big, ugly white bandaged finger!


  1. I'm thankful that I knew what was going on in your life BEFORE I saw this....I am so sorry for your boo boo....take care of it...I love you MOM

  2. Oh Perralove!! How horrible! Wish we could've been there with you in the ER. So brave of you, though!!

  3. aaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!! i am SO sorry!! but i totally understand why you would be distracted... obama makes me want to cut off my fingers too! :)

  4. we were so sorry to see your poor finger all bandadged--just could hardly believe it--so thankful it was no worse than it was--take care of you--we love you Pentene the GG;s

  5. on the bright side of things, at least you don't have that huge bandage on your bird finger. get better & stay warm!

  6. One more comment....if Obama and the Dems can blame Bush for Hurricane Katrina....then I think you have a valid argument that He is responsible for your sliced finger.....Compensation you suppose????? doesn't the Bible tell us that which you sow, you shall also reap.....Galations 6:7
    love u mom

  7. PERR HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS? this is the saddest picture i have ever seen :(
