27 February 2010

which is the real thing?

'cause who doesn't need a life-size cardboard cutout of themselves to have on hand for various occasions? And for those of you who know that I'm not much of a hugger, what better way to start practicing my hugging skills than to walk around a city of 8 million people carrying a large sign which reads "hug me" ?! At least I finally found a skill that I developed during those 4AM nights in Spidle Hall using my x-acto knife to cut foam core. Who would have thought interior design school would come in so handy!


  1. i could tell which one was the real you only because of the hat you had on--you had worn it while you were in the Poconos--:) loved all the snow pix you sent--it's raining here today and cold--WE love you Penetne--GG's

  2. i'm sorry, but this is INCREDIBLE!!!! i can't get over it.
