11 January 2010

resolution 2010

I generally don't make New Year's Resolutions because I see it as a glorified way to start doing something that I should have been doing all along. It's also easier to fail when I put so much emphasis on accomplishing one specific goal rather than just doing all the things I need to be doing anyway: eating healthy, staying in touch with old friends, and the list could go on forever. But just as adamantly as I've said I WON'T finalize one goal for a 2010 resolution, I've also finalized one that I'm determined to conquer this year: flossing. Next time I go to the dentist (which will be in April), they're no longer going to tell me I need to floss more often or ask if I've only been doing it for the three days prior to my appointment. (Seriously, who really flosses?) But I can tell, this is the year for domination of my resolution!

(My sister-in-law gave me this floss for my birthday in November and told me that it would make me love flossing. I haven't felt that way yet, but hopefully the "comfort plus" will prove true and my gums will thank me. We shall definitely see.)


  1. glide is definitely the best floss! i floss more now bc i got paranoid that i was going to get gum disease and my teeth would all fall out. that's a good way to get yourself motivated :) haha

  2. hahhaha! that's great. how's it going?

    let me just say, floss, the best 24th birthday present ever because it is like giving you teeth when you are sixty five, which is awesome.
