25 January 2010

what makes Sunday school worth it?

Its tough getting up early (earlier than I get up for work) on the Sunday mornings that I teach Sunday school, but its stories like this that make it worth it.

"Kid", 4 yrs old, at snack time (in an almost yelling voice): I dont trust either of you anymore! (pointing at me and my co-teacher)

Me: Im sorry kid”… why dont you trust us?

"Kid": You did NOT put enough fat crayons in this container for me!

Me: Kid Im sorry, but we have to share the crayons.

"Kid": Im getting VERY angry


  1. kids...enough said! i know you are a BIG blessing to the kids you teach! xo!

  2. Hilarious! Was this one of the twins? I remember them being a handful :)

  3. HAHAHA...I can picture you being so sarcastic to that "kid"... in a loving way of course!
