20 January 2009

face of an angel

if this isn't the face of a true angel, I don't know what is!

This pictures is of Abbey at Christmas (oops, I still haven't posted any Christmas pictures...) and I was talking to Paige earlier about funny Abbey stories and couldn't resist posting this!


  1. I love this picture...it captures the true essence of Abbey. Some jewelry, a baby, her blanket, a little bit of chocolate around the mouth, and a look that says "I haven't decided yet whether I'm going to hug you or run over you."

  2. hahaha! you have the cutest little nieces and nephews!!!

  3. "BYE"... as she stands up for the first time ever...

  4. I agree with Paige...this is one of my all time favorite pictures of little miss abbey....and the look and thought remind me of her mommie...I love all three of you MOM
