28 January 2009

oh, NY, how i love thee

So I've been a copycat recently on some of my blog postings, but since a lot of you don't read the other blogs I do, I feel that these posts are too good to go unposted. I hope you don't have any copyrights, Pamela, on your blog... however, this could be the best email I've ever received. And the greatest depiction of how crazy this city REALLY is:

"Oh my gosh - so on my way home tonight there was this guy on the NRW platform who had brought down a freaking piano and was playing it. Then there were two people on the L platform dressed up like cookie monster and playing the xylophone!..... THEN there was a guy in a dolphin costume sitting on the train. Like a full-on suit with one of those big character heads and everything - straight from an ocean-like theme park!...Craziest ride home EVER...." - courtesy of LA

I laughed (out loud) for 5 straight minutes after I read this. THIS is why living in New York City never gets boring.

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