22 January 2009

don't sass me

Yesterday, my boss from the summer (when I was an intern) called me to the library and said she had a present for me. When I got down there, she cheerfully presented me with a wallcovering sample in which the name of the sample was "Don't Sass Me". (She said it reminded her of me...don't know if that's good or bad?!) ohhh, but how perfect for the day! I immediately took the sample with me to my desk (with glee), cut out the name of it, and taped it to my computer at my desk to ward off any potential sass-ees... we'll see how well it works today.


  1. I thought "don't sass me" was a southern phrase....You can say it up there and they know what it means? WOW!! We will find out after today if the yanks know what that means!!!! Keep us updated...love you MOM

  2. I told you wrong last night, Mom... someone actually did sass me yesterday! Apparently he has three older brothers who used to pick on him a lot, so he must just be looking for someone to sass. He looked rather surprised when I dished it back... maybe I'll have better luck today.

  3. Your two older brothers and one older sister trumped his three older brothers, I guess....I think that I am glad, but then I really don't want you sassing anyone...so I have some hesitations....I love you MOM

  4. oh, don't worry Mom, it was a good healthy sass. I was just letting him know that I noticed what he was trying to do...and I wouldn't be run over that easily.

  5. You make me smile!!! M
