16 February 2009

first time for everything...

even if it darn near kills you! This weekend Brendan and I hopped in a rental car and headed north to NH for the holiday. In the weekend plans was a ski trip to Gunstock Mountain in which Brendan and his dad so graciously invited me to come along for my first snow skiing experience. It started off with a two-hour lesson with 13 other adult first-time skiers. This all went pretty well - no major falls and all bones still intact. After my lesson was over I met up with Mr. Sullivan and Brendan to try the challenge of a green course. However, as we were already halfway down the mountain (or technically "hill"), we realized that the green course was roped off and the only way down was the more difficult blue course. The rest of the way down was (as Brendan likes to call it) "falling every 10 feet". What Brendan didn't know was that I was simply trying to execute the advice of my instructor, "If you don't fall a lot, you aren't trying hard." So, I think Brendan or his dad would vouch for me... I was trying HARD.

Brendan teaching me how to stop (probably the most valuable skill of the day)

Beautiful view from the top!

See the slope behind me?! That's what I "almost" conquered...
The day was a blast though, and I'm so glad I tried it out! Cay, I may be making a visit out to see you and we can work our way down the blue slopes together!!


  1. My question is why is B, the "experienced" skier wearing a helmet and you're not?

  2. Loved seeing the pictures of ya'll skiing and the scenery was so gorgeous--Gpaw is now wondering when you'll try ice skating--that was his specialty!!!We are so proud that you did so well on your first try--especially since the green trail was not open for you. Love you doll baby--GG's

  3. hahaha... in retrospect, that is a VERY good question, Pamela!

  4. hahahahaha i agree about the helmet. i think you needed one :)

  5. ps- i have a picture very similar to that last one of yours... except that mine was taken from the top of the hill and it is not NEARLY as sloped as that one... so i'll stick to the greens :)
