12 February 2009

This is what makes work worth it!

As much as I complain about being bored and creatively suppressed at work, it's 10:43 in the morning as I type this, and THIS is what I'm eating at my desk right now. The picture doesn't do it justice, but this is (by far) the brightest, most neon pink cupcake I have EVER seen...all made possible by the gracious reps who come to visit biweekly! Thank you for contributing to my unprecedented breakfast eating habits of eagerly indulging in such ridiculous sustenance as my morning nourishment.
I passed a coworker on the way back to my desk and she said "for breakfast?!" as I excitedly showed her my cupcake... upon which I replied, "YES Maja! Isn't it great!!!"
Cay, do the reps in AZ bring this kind of stuff?!


  1. aaaah yesssss!!!! not normally at 10:30 in the morning though :)

  2. Hey Perryn! This is so random but I am one of Julie Young's friends. We were at lunch the other day, talking about how I want to move to NYC and she told me that you were living up there, so I preceded to read part of your blog through the link on Julie's! While still a student at Auburn, I will live my "dream lifestyle" through you! Have a great day...and sorry for the randomness!
    -caroline powell

  3. Hey Caroline, your post was not random at all (I know exactly who you are - is that random? - but I guess that's what rush does for you)! I'm so glad to know that someone is actually reading my blog :) and so excited that you'd love to live in NYC one day! It's truly a great city and great place to live. I hope you keep reading and commenting!!
