10 February 2009

grey, grey, or green?

Today I suddenly got a HUGE itchin' to do some major revamping to my room. Literally in the middle of work, I ran to the library to look at some different color paint swatches for ideas of what color I should paint my room. Then I started envisioning how to spruce up the walls with art and photos (this is always a bad sign when I get to this point. There's usually no turning back once I get the "vision") So tonight I did some (very) rough photoshopping for the three color options I've narrowed it down to thus far: light grey, dark grey, or pear green.

Thoughts and opinions are gladly welcomed, especially if you have any interest in design!


  1. you should paint your room green because it's my favorite color :)

  2. love the pillows! i am kind of a fan of grey!!

  3. I like the green. I also asked Elliot's "expert" opinion and he said that he liked the green because it looked more feminine and it went good with the rainbow pillow. So there you go.....

  4. i'm gonna rock the boat and go with the first gray. i don't know why, but it is my fave! i think i like lighter muted colors to make rooms seem lighter/roomier/sunnier? but then that PEAR green is good too... haha

  5. Pepe, i have that colorful pillow on MY bed!!
