23 February 2009

a new leaf

Yes, I'm turning over a new leaf. For those of you who know me well, you could probably attest to a few truths about my personality: first, I tend to get on strong kicks at different times (#1 with a Dr. Pepper at Chick Fil A, Mountain Dew, cleaning, running [yes, this actually was a kick one time], balancing my checkbook, etc.) Secondly, when on these "kicks", I am pretty persistent and determined with carrying them out. (then, usually sometime in the midst of these kicks, I have some epiphanic moment where I realize some great and wonderful (and usually very simple) truth that I should have known all along but suddenly see in a totally clear light... which only makes the kick stronger for the time being. Anyway, my mom could probably verify all of this as a very accurate description of me?) and finally, the last point to be confirmed as truth is sleeping is not very high on my priority list. I don't get much because I like to stay up late. (really late. Night owl is probably an understatement.)

So here's how I've turned over a new leaf:

This weekend, I made an attempt (and was pretty successful) at going to bed early and getting up early. Friday night it was a little before 10 when I hit the sack...and was up to start the day at 7:30 am. I am primarily trying to enact this lifestyle to increase productivity during the work-week. I tried again for today, and once again struck gold! Last night I went to bed around 11 and got up a mere 15 minutes earlier this morning than normal (except, today it was with ease - as easy as getting up for me will ever be at least). Not only did I have time to eat breakfast at my apartment, I did it leisurely while checking blogs and responding to emails and facebook messages. and THEN, I made up my bed... and still made it to work by 8:50. Wow, that Ben Franklin sure knew what he was talking about when he said "early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." I'm still waiting on the wealthy part, but for now, I'll take the healthy!

ps - for those of you who are bored out of your mind right now by this blog post, this was primarily posted for my mom. I know she'd be proud...aren't ya, Mom?!


  1. yep...very excited that you are trying to take good care of yourself...and that you are sleeping at the appropriate times...the times ordained by God...at night and not half the day...i love you mom

  2. Perryn! If you are getting this comment for the second time I apologize, my computer is acting weird. But I loved this post-mainly because I am the EXACT same way! I am always getting on little kicks-some last and some go! Before Christmas I decided I was going to start getting up before I actually HAD to. Its working so far! Good luck and hope you are doing well!!

  3. I'm so proud of you and am so glad you are seeing how good it feels to be up and moving in the morning and getting so much done before the day really starts---Keep up the good healthy work--we love you so very much--GG
