20 February 2009

give me spring or give me death!

One month until SPRING is officially here! It is still in question as to whether it will actually feel like spring or not in one month, but I'll take whatever I can get.

Here are the Top 10 Reasons I can't wait for spring to get here:

1. No more scarves, mittens, heavy coats... EVERYWHERE you go.
2. I'll care about getting a pedicure again.
3. Sundresses!
4. It'll be light outside when I leave work.
5. I can eat lunch in the park again instead of at my desk...AND at Shake Shack.
6. I won't have to take the subway for a 6 (or less) block commute anymore.
7. Baseball season will be in full force!
8. I will have at least a little more chance at being tan. Still not likely, but possible.
9. Mister Softee will return.
10. My mom is coming to visit!!!

1 comment:

  1. sundresses! i can't wait for a reason to shave my legs again!
