One month until SPRING is officially here! It is still in question as to whether it will actually feel like spring or not in one month, but I'll take whatever I can get.
Here are the Top 10 Reasons I can't wait for spring to get here:
1. No more scarves, mittens, heavy coats... EVERYWHERE you go.
2. I'll care about getting a pedicure again.
3. Sundresses!
4. It'll be light outside when I leave work.
5. I can eat lunch in the park again instead of at my desk...AND at Shake Shack.
6. I won't have to take the subway for a 6 (or less) block commute anymore.
7. Baseball season will be in full force!
8. I will have at least a little more chance at being tan. Still not likely, but possible.
9. Mister Softee will return.
10. My mom is coming to visit!!!
sundresses! i can't wait for a reason to shave my legs again!